
Designer. Developer. Musician.

A Cranbrook, BC based frontend developer and web designer with a passion for creating clean, balanced designs. Uses HTML5, CSS3 (with a serious love-on for preprocessors like SASS, LESS and POSTCSS), Javascript, PHP, and MySQL. Every website created is responsive and mobile optimized as attractive, functional mobile-browsing is more important than ever. With a natural curiosity for how things are made and how different components work together, I'm always learning new concepts and techniques and on the constant look out for what's up-and-coming in the web design world.

In my spare time, I like to snowboard, mountain bike, rock climb, and go hiking. I also play drums, guitar, and write music, and I currently play drums for The Fullblast and Dulcet Lives.

I'm also a huge fan of great coffee, Mexican food, and my dog, Jasper.

Andy Lewis
